
May 3, 2016 - Many Adelphi Gmail users reported receiving unusual messages from the Mail Delivery Subsystem.

Earlier today, many Adelphi Gmail users reported receiving unusual messages from the Mail Delivery Subsystem <>. These emails are the result of an attempt to spam University email accounts. Fortunately, our mail systems are catching the original spam and preventing it from reaching inboxes.

The original emails were forged to appear to come from the University and the Mail Delivery Subsystem emails are sent to notify that harmful malware was detected.

In this case, the messages from the Mail Delivery Subsystem do not contain malware and may be deleted. The University is aware of this issue and there is no need to take further action on these emails.

For further information, please contact:

Information Security
p – 516.877.3340
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More Info
Levermore Hall, 205
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